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Margam Park
I’ve been meaning to go to Margam Park for ages and finally got around to going. It’s a managed herd of Deer which includes Fallow, Red and Pere David Deer. They are more used to humans than Deer in woodland, so are easier to photograph as well as being out in the open rather than a shady forest so the light was real nice.
kingfisher spot
Hendre Lake Horses
Baby Rat in Garden
I know they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but how cute is this baby rat.
Some Garden Vistors
Roath Park Lake
If you go down to the woods tonight… new garden visitor
A new visitor to the garden, that I only caught out of the corner of my eye yesterday. It showed again this morning so I got my camera out and got a few shots. Ive only got a small garden with no lawn, just a patio, some stones and a shed, with a few small trees and plants at the back. Considering that, it’s suprising how much wildlife I get coming to visit. It looks like a house mouse (Mus musculus for all you latin nerds). It’s really skittish and only quickly pops out, then runs straight back under the shed.