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Kingfisher at Hendre Lake
Some Garden Vistors
Forest of Dean Wild Boar Photos
I try and get up to the Forest of Dean a few times in the spring as it seems like the best time to spot some wild boar families. There are signs of them all over the forest, but they are actually pretty hard to track down because they like to roam around. They are also quite timid and will usually run off if they see people. On this occasion I was lucky enough to find a big family of Boar digging for breakfast.
If you go down to the woods tonight… new garden visitor
A new visitor to the garden, that I only caught out of the corner of my eye yesterday. It showed again this morning so I got my camera out and got a few shots. Ive only got a small garden with no lawn, just a patio, some stones and a shed, with a few small trees and plants at the back. Considering that, it’s suprising how much wildlife I get coming to visit. It looks like a house mouse (Mus musculus for all you latin nerds). It’s really skittish and only quickly pops out, then runs straight back under the shed.Some Photos I took in the Garden
I haven’t updated the blog in a while so here are a few photos I took in the garden. More photos can be found on my flickr pageย friendly Tortoiseshell Butterfly
The Pigeon Returns
The Pigeon that keeps visiting
Exploring Caerleon
I did a bit of exploring with my camera along the Caerleon cycle path and found a few interesting things to take photos of. There are better quality versions plus more on my flickr acountย